Photowalk Series: Dérive

February’s photowalk, led by AAH educator Jeanne Donegan, is inspired by French philosopher Guy Debord’s Theory of the Dérive. As defined by Debord, a dérive (translated as “drift”) is an unplanned journey through a terrain where one allows themselves to freely move based on their intuitive reactions to the environment, as opposed to the typical motives of travel, i.e. commuting to and from work, a trip to the grocery store, visiting friends/family.

Join us before the walk at 11am at the museum for coffee and community time, where Jeanne will share how we can apply this meditative walking practice to our photo making. The walk will depart from the museum at noon.

*Walks are free, donations always welcome to continue to support this program and make it accessible for all. Due to limited spots, registration is required.


Feb 24 2024


11:00 am - 2:00 pm

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