Aura Photography


The notion that a camera could lend the photographer its clairvoyant eye originated in the Victorian era. The environment was primed: Technological advancements in the field of photography, such as the development of the wet collodion process, made the medium relatively accessible, while paranormalism was taking North America and Europe by storm. Among the paranormal beliefs popular during the Victorian age was Franz Anton Mesmer’s 18th-century theory that all animate and inanimate things were charged with a “vital fluid.” While some occult photographers sought to record ghostly forms, those inspired by Mesmerism wanted to show the vital fluids that comprised objects and beings. A psychic, the argument went, could see these invisible energies—why couldn’t a camera? — Packard, C. (2019, January 3) The Colorful and Clairvoyant History of Aura Photography. Artsy.

Contingent on one’s belief in metaphysics, the art of aura photography—a process that visually translates the electromagnetic energy a subject emanates into color—owes its origin to Kirlian photography, named after Soviet inventor Semyon Kirlian (1898–1978), who discovered that if an object on a photographic plate is connected to a high-voltage source, an image is produced on the photographic plate.

An adept electrician, Kirlian was often called upon to fix lab equipment in various institutions. In 1939, he witnessed a demonstration of a high-frequency electrotherapy device and observed a small flash of light between the machine’s electrodes and the patient’s skin. Curious about this flash, he sought to photograph it in a series of dangerous investigations that resulted in surreal photos of energy discharge around his hand.

In the 1970s, scientist and spiritualist Guy Coggins modified the techniques of Kirlian photography into the camera system most used today—while Kirlian photography created contact prints, Coggins’s AuraCam generated instant photographs by connecting an instant-film camera to two electrode hand plates containing physiological sensors. In abstract, through the meridian points in a person’s hands, these plates sense the vibrational frequency they radiate. That frequency is then matched to a corresponding color through an algorithm in the camera. The image produced is a double exposure of the subject and the colored electricity of their body.


One of the most remarkable things about the seven chakras (from the Sanskrit word for “circle” or “wheel”) as we know them in the Western world—a philosophy referenced with that of color energy—is that there is an assumption that it can be traced from ancient history. There is little, often scattered, information that has emerged about the chakras prior to the late 1800s, when ideas and practices were brought to the West via questionable translations from the Sanskrit texts which, when completed, were very difficult to comprehend, and thus it is important to note the distinction.

The conventional interpretation of the colors depicted in the aura portrait is said to originate from Helena Blavatsky’s Theosophy of the 19th century. Theosophist C.W. Leadbeater (1854–1934) developed and popularized the belief in the existence of seven subtle and different-colored bodies, together with a network of energetic pathways, centers, and chakras that control the flow of energy. In his most well-known treatise on the subject, Leadbeater notes that:

Before we can intelligently study the details of these various bodies, we must familiarize ourselves with the general meaning of the various shades of color in them….it will be realized that an almost infinite variety is possible in their combination. I am endeavoring to give, as nearly as possible, the exact shade which expresses the unmixed emotion whose name is attached to it; but human emotions are hardly ever unmixed, and so we have constantly to classify or to analyze indeterminate hue in the formation of which many factors have played their part.

For Leadbeater and his contemporaries, auras were unique in color variation to each person. There were an infinite number of them, and colors constantly shifted according to an equally infinite number of factors of influence.

It may be interesting to note that from a technological perspective, Coggins’s camera may not able to produce that variety of colors.

Gaitanidis, I. (2019, Spring). More than Just a Photo? Aura Photography in Digital Japan. Asian Ethnology, 78(1).


Red aura is a sign of fearless individuals who have a natural understanding of physicality and enjoy manifesting desires in the physical sense. They are passionate and unapologetic about experiencing dynamic and abundant adventures in life. They are generally unafraid of death, birth, overindulgence, or adrenaline inducing activities. They are powerful people that rarely deny themselves the pleasures of the physical world. 

RED KEYWORDS: desire, will, vitality, power, the urge to win, driven, action, doing, active, competition, force of will, leadership, strength, courage, passion, eroticism, earthiness, practicality, desire for possessions, sense of adventure, the survival instinct.


A pink aura is seen around persons who are gentle in nature and radiate pleasant, loving energy. They embrace the ideals of romantic love and often have a natural ability to keep the romance alive and well in their own relationships. People who have pink auras inspire a feeling of comfort in those around them. Pink vibrations are bubbly and uplifting because they correspond directly to the heart chakra. Even in the midst of life’s most pressing challenges, a person with pink aura can help heal others with a glance, a smile, a kind word, or just by being present. They  remind us to be gentle with each other and all of earth’s creatures. 

PINK KEYWORDS: love, sincerity, friendship, compassion, giving, romantic, generous, healthy, faithful, loyal, strong imagination, highly creative, highly disciplined, and a love of art and beauty.


A person with the magenta aura is vibrant in their own way. They walk to a different beat, feel differently about things than the average person, even experience things in their own way. The color magenta is a combination of red, blue, and white light frequencies; therefore, people with magenta aura exhibit traits of both red and blue auras, making them highly creative. They combine a masterful understanding of the physical world (Red) with a heightened capacity for creative thinking (Blue).  This combination makes people with magenta auras ideally suited for creative work. These high-energy, naturally creative beings thrive on originality and innovation and are not fond of using copycat methods of creativity. 

MAGENTA KEYWORDS: Very creative, individualist, free-spirited, fun loving, needs constant stimulation, artistic, eccentric, big heart, non-conformist.


Tans make great planners and work well with structure. It is recommended that tans visit natural wonders or watch/read inspirational biographies to avoid getting stuck in a limited train of thought.

TAN KEYWORDS: Detail Oriented, Cautious, Logical, Strategic, To-Do Lists, Highly Intelligent.


A turquoise aura indicates a dynamic quality of being and a highly energized personality that is capable of influencing other people. People with turquoise strong points in their Aura can do many things simultaneously and are good organizers. They feel bored when forced to concentrate on one thing. People love bosses with turquoise Auras because such bosses explain their goals and influence their team rather than demand executing their commands. A turquoise aura is a mark of a person with natural gifts of communication. 

TURQUOISE KEYWORDS: communicative, assertive, multi-tasker, organized, influential, inclusive.


People with white auras are spiritually motivated and possess an openness and receptiveness to the divine, spiritual world. They are often unconcerned with worldly matters or ambition. Inner illumination and cosmic wisdom characterise the white energy. White reflects purity and truth, and is the rarest color on the planet. These extremely rare individuals are free from personal issues, hang-ups, and health problems, which is why their aura projects pure white frequencies.

WHITE KEYWORDS: spiritual, pure, honest, wise, free, healthy, delicate, radiate, lightness, brightness, transcendence, inner peace, divine force, quiet, quick thinker, and free-spirited.


Orange is the energy center for exchange, placing high value on friendships and relationships. Orange frequencies resonate with the vibrations of joyful exchange and interaction, whether relating to resources, money, time, or energy. Strangers do not stay strangers for very long for those with an orange aura, as friendships develop very quickly for them. They possess strength in leadership skills due to their ability to be relatable and sociable. 

ORANGE KEYWORDS: creativity, warmth, thoughtful, confident, inspiring, relatable, sociable, intuitive, uplifting & absorbing.


Yellow auras’ frequencies resonate with the vibrations of confidence, happiness, a strong sense of self and the ability to inspire others to achieve greatness. People who have yellow emissions in their energy fields are natural born leaders. They tend to have high levels of energy and positively motivate others. People with yellow auras encourage and support others by naturally being themselves; they radiate like the sun and they also may have a great ability to analyze complex concepts. Yellow is the core of our self-esteem and personal power. Yellow is the leader’s aura. People who glow yellow are full of inner joy, very generous, and not attached to anything.

YELLOW KEYWORDS: leadership, enthusiastic, cheerful, bright, great sense of humor, fun, optimist, intellectual, open minded, happy, warmth, relaxed, organized, hopeful, inspirational, joyful, freedom, non-attachment.


People with a green strong point in their auras are natural healers. Being in a presence of a person with a strong, green aura is a very peaceful and restful experience. Green frequencies resonate with the vibration of the heart, the center of growth and healing energy. People who have green emissions in their energy fields radiate unconditional love and life force energy that ascents all lifeforms. They are the most balanced people in the color spectrum. They have a sense of responsibility and service and are very self assertive. They have high ideals and aspirations. 

GREEN KEYWORDS: perseverance, tenacity, firmness, patience, dedication, gentle, caring, nurturing, pleasant and attentive, deeply focused, adaptable, growth, restful, modifying energy, natural healing ability.


Blues are the most caring, nurturing and protective personalities in the color-spectrum. They live out of their hearts and their emotions. Their life purpose is to serve, help and love others. They teach humanity that without love nothing else matters. Blues are on this planet to serve mankind. Blue auras are also a mark of a person with natural psychic and intuitive gifts. Blues have an inner knowledge and wisdom and they feel and know what is right without needing facts or data for substantiation.  They tend to think things out before they happen and dream lucidly and literally. They put great importance on personal relationships and may be a dreamer or have artistic ability. People with blue auras tend to put the needs of others before their own yet also live in the moment. They need a calm and tranquil environment and enjoy meditation. 

BLUE KEYWORDS:  Depth of feeling, devotion, loyal, trusting, desire to communicate, empathic, emotionally sensitive, intuitive, inwardly focused, may enjoy solitude, non-competitive activities, receptive, desire unity, peaceful, loving, and affectionate.


Violets are dynamic, charismatic, visionary and powerful personalities. Their task or mission in life is to lead and inspire mankind and guide them into a new age of prosperity and wholeness. Most Violets have an inner and driving urge to do something important with their life. Violets are visionary, futuristic, and have high ideals and hopes for the future. Because violets possess both knowledge and intuition, they can usually see and recognize the “bigger picture” of any situation without being bogged down with details. They also have the physical power and the resources necessary to make changes in their own or other peoples lives. Purple auras vibrate at a very high speed, signaling a close connection with the spiritual realm and unseen forms of life energy. People who have violet emissions in their energy field tend to have high levels of thought activity and ability to manifest their desires. They also exhibit a high degree of originality when it comes to innovative thoughts, progressive ideas, and open-minded insights that show concern for the entire universal life matrix. They possess an uncommon ability to make their dreams come true, or manifest their desires in the material world.

PURPLE KEYWORDS: visionary, intuitive, innovative, futuristic, magical, original, dynamic, unconventional, often has psychic abilities, charismatic, fascinating, playful, non-judgmental, eccentric, open-minded, sensitive, and compassionate